Legal Information

According with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of the Law on Trust in the Digital Economy, we inform you that the operator of the website is:

TAHITI TOURISME is a French Economic Interest Grouping governed by the provisions of Article L. 251-1 and in accordance with the French Commercial Code.

Headquarters are located in:

Papeete, Maritime Station – 2nd floor, P.O. Box No. 65, 98713 Papeete Tahiti

It is registered in the Papeete Companies Register under number 4673 D.

Telephone number: +689 40 40 50 40 40 30
Fax number: +689 40 40 43 43 66 19
E-mail address: [email protected]

Publishing Director: Jean Marc-Mocellin

Realisierung der Seite

Name: IRIS Interactive
Adresse: 4 rue du Pensionnat Notre Dame de France – 43000 LE PUY EN VELAY (Hauptsitz).
Mail: [email protected]

Webhoster der Seite

Name: IRIS Interactive
Adresse: 4 rue du Pensionnat Notre Dame de France – 43000 LE PUY EN VELAY (Hauptsitz).
Mail: [email protected]

Intellectual Property

The entire website is administered under the French and International legislation, in particular regarding to the intellectual property and personal data.

The information, pictograms, iconograms, photographs, images, texts, video sequences, animated with or without sound, and other elements present on the website are protected by industrial and/or intellectual property rights of which Tahiti Tourisme is either the owner or authorized to reproduce and represent them.

As such, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or modification, in whole or in part, or transfer by any means whatsoever, is prohibited without the express, prior and written authorization of Tahiti Tourisme . This act would constitute an infringement within the meaning of Articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

The copy on paper for private use of these various objects of rights is authorized in accordance with Article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code.

For any use or information on this subject, please contact us by addressing: Tahiti Tourisme , BP 65, 98 713 Papeete or by e-mail at the following address: [email protected].

The brands and visual identities of Tahiti Tourisme and its partners, as well as the logos quoted and reproduced on this Website are protected.

Any total or partial reproduction of these brands or logos made from the elements of the Website without the express prior authorization of Tahiti Tourisme is prohibited under the Intellectual Property Code.

Tahiti Tourisme cannot be held responsible for access by Internet users via hypertext links set up within the framework of the website to other resources on the network.

Data Protection And Privacy

The Tahiti Tourisme website is in compliance with the amended law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and liberties, known as the “Data Processing and Liberties” law and with the GDPR, General Data Protection Regulations.

All information relating to the collection and storage of our customers’ personal data is methodically kept in a register containing all the supporting documents (internal reports, letters, meeting’s reports, etc.) to demonstrate that Tahiti Tourisme complies with the provisions of the January 1978 law and the GDPR and that it fully exercises its responsibilities in this matter. This register shall be kept up to date and shall take into account all changes in processing.

Respect for the protection of personal data is a key element on the trusting relationship we want to establish with you.

The purpose of this information notice is to inform you in a transparent approach about the processing operations that we are likely to carry out throughout our commercial association.

Tahiti Tourisme , as the supervisor of data processing, collects and treats personal data concerning you for the following purposes:

– Inform you about our events and those of our partners and allow you to participate;
– Send you our communications (newsletters, catalogues, etc.);
– Offer you information about the destination;
– Allow you to learn about the destination;
– Allow you to access our media library (brand center);
– To suggest you our products and services or to introduce you to those of our partners;
– Allow you to access our website and participate in our contests;
– Allow us to carry out analyses and studies relating to our products and services and the use of our websites.

Indirectly personal data for statistical purposes may also be collected for the purpose of managing your connection and browsing. You can consult our cookie’s policy in the legal notices on our website at the link below:

We only carry out data processing when one of the following conditions is respected:

– Your consent to the processing operations has been obtained;
– The existence of our legitimate interest, or that of a third party, which justifies our processing of the personal data concerned;
– The execution of a contract binding us to you, requires us to implement the processing of the personal data concerned;
– We are bound by legal and regulatory obligations that require the processing of the personal data concerned.

In the event that we seek your consent, it is collected directly on the form provided to collect the information about you.

Data collected

For the purposes of the processing operation described above, the data collected and processed are as follows:

– Identity: title, surnames, forenames, address, telephone number (fixed and/or mobile), fax number, e-mail addresses, date of birth, profession, internal processing code allowing the client to be identified;

– Data relating to the follow-up of the commercial association: documentation requests, test requests, product purchased, service or subscription obtained, quantity, amount, frequency, delivery address, history of purchases and services, return of products, origin of the sale (seller, representative, partner, affiliate) or order, correspondence with the customer and after-sales service, exchanges and comments from customers and prospects, person (s) in charge of customer relations;

– Data relating to invoice payments: payment terms, discounts granted, receipts, balances and unpaid invoices;

– Data relating to the selection of people to perform customer fidelity and consent actions, prospecting, survey, product testing and promotion actions;

– Data relating to the organization and processing of contests, lotteries and any promotional operations such as the date of participation, the responses to the contests and the nature of the prizes offered;

– Data relating to the contributions of persons who submit opinions on products, services or content, including their pseudonyms;

– Data collected as part of the Tahiti Specialist Program.

Storage time span

The storage periods we apply to your personal data are proportional to the purposes for which they were collected.

Data recipients

The recipients of your personal data are our own management teams, technical service providers and subcontractors.

Indeed, the personal data that we collect, as well as those that are subsequently collected, are intended for us in our capacity as controller.

We ensure that only authorized persons have access to this data. Our service providers may be recipients of this data in order to carry out the services we entrust to them. Some personal data may be sent to third parties or to legally authorized authorities in order to meet our legal, regulatory or contractual obligations.

Data Transfer

We transfer your personal data to countries outside the European Union and those transfers are governed by legal instruments that comply with the appropriate requirements.

Granted Rights

Under the conditions provided for by the data protection regulations, you have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you.

This removal can only take place if:

– The data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which we have collected or processed them;
– You have withdrawn your consent to their processing;
– You have objected to their treatment and there is no compelling reason for Tahiti Tourism to pursue it;
– The data have been unlawfully processed;
– The data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation provided for by European Union legislation or French legislation to which Tahiti Tourisme is subject.

You may also request that the processing of your personal data be limited and that it be portable, including its transmission to a third party.

Your right to portability applies only to personal data concerning you, which excludes anonymous personal data or data that does not concern you. This right is limited to processing based on consent or a contract and to personal data that you have personally generated.

You may also object to the processing of your data for your own reasons. In terms of commercial prospecting, you can exercise this right free of charge and without reason by writing to the address below.

When the data processing operations we carry out are based on your consent, you may withdraw it at any time. We will then stop processing your personal data.

You can exercise your rights online at the following email address: [email protected] or by post at the following address: Tahiti Tourisme , BP 65 – 98 713 Papeete by with an identity proof.

You can file a complaint with a control authority – In France, there is the CNIL, 3 place de Fontenoy, TSA 80715, 75334 Paris Cedex 07.

You have the possibility to define guidelines for the storage, erasure and communication of your personal data after your death to a trusted, certified third party responsible for ensuring that the deceased’s wishes are respected, according with the requirements of the relevant legal framework.



Cookies are data used by a server to send status information to a user’s browser, and by that browser to send status information back to the origin server.

Status information can be, for example, a session ID, language, expiration date, response domain, etc.

Cookies are used to store status information during the validity period of the cookie concerned when a browser accesses the various pages of a website or when the browser subsequently returns to that website.

There are different types of cookies:

> Session cookies that disappear as soon as the user leaves the site
> Permanent cookies that remain on the user’s device until their lifetime expires or until the user deletes them using the features of his or her browser.


These are cookies placed by on your device for the purpose of browsing our website, optimizing and customizing our services on the site (these cookies mainly concern our web analytics solutions).

The cookies we issue allow us to:

> To establish statistics and volumes of visits and use of the various elements composing our site (sections and contents visited, routes, etc.), allowing us to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services;

> Adapt the presentation of our site to the display preferences of your web or mobile device (display resolution, operating system used, etc.) when you visit our site;

> To memorize information related to your navigation preferences (choice of language).


We may include linked icons on our website from third parties, which allow you to share content from our website with other people or to share with those other people your consultation or opinion regarding the content on our website. This is particularly the case for the “Share”, “Recommend”, “Tweet”, etc. from social networks such as “Facebook”, “Twitter”, “Pinterest”, “Google +”.

The social network is likely to identify you through this linked icon, even if you did not use it when you visited our website. Indeed, this type of application linked icon can allow the social network to track your browsing on our website, simply because your account on the social network was activated on your device (open session) during your browsing on our website.

We have no control over the process used by social networks to collect information about your browsing on our website and associated with the personal data they hold. We invite you to consult the privacy policies of these social networks in order to learn about the purposes of use (including advertising) of the browsing information they may collect through these application linked icons. These protection policies must allow you to exercise your choices with these social networks, in particular by setting up your user accounts for each of these networks.

Third-party cookies issued on our site come from applications integrated into our site, the main ones being:

> Add this (Sharing on social media):

> __atuvc

> di2

> dt

> loc

> uid

> uit

> Google Analytics (Statistical measurements):

> __utma

> __utmb

> __utmc

> __utmz


The default settings of web browsers are usually set to accept cookies, but you can easily change this by changing your browser settings. However, please note that if you choose to disable cookies, some parts of our media may not be accessible.

Limitation Of Liability

This website and the information it contains are presented to you without any guarantee of any kind whatsoever. By using this website, you agree to use it at your own risk and under no circumstances at all may Tahiti Tourisme be held liable for any damage resulting from the use of this website, including any inaccuracies, errors or omissions on the website.

All offers presented on this site are non-contractual and do not constitute an exhaustive list ofTahiti Tourisme ‘s services. The prices are also given as an indication and do not engage in any way the responsibility of Tahiti Tourisme . The partners of Tahiti Tourisme are solely responsible for their offers.

The pages linked to this website (hypertext links) may lead to the consultation of other sites over which the publication director has no control, and therefore cannot provide any guarantee on the quality of the content and proper functioning of these websites.

Report any malfunction or abusive content to us.

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